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ABHYANGA (General Ayurvedic Massage)
Full Body Massage is mostly with specidic herbal oils to nourish and revitalise the body tissues. Abhyanga relieves pain, rejuvenate the body, strengthens the muscles and joins, improves sleep, promotes healthy skin and removes fatigue caused by physical and mental strain.
This is a variety of fomentation process using boluses which is made of herbal powders, leaves and medicated oil. This therapy is good for lumbago, spondylitis, frozen shoulder, sciatica, stiffness, post paralytic spasm, sports injuries and chronic muscular skeletal pains
Warm medicated oil is poured and retained around the lumbosacral region inside a boundry made with flour paste. This therapy is good for lower backache, sciatica and helps to strengthen the lower back muscles.
Post Delivery massage is practiced in South Asia from ancient times. This is done by a trained lady or therapist and starts from 2nd or 3rd week after a normal delivery. Post delivery massage is helpful to prevent backache, muscle cramps, over weight and varicose veins. It is also good for toning up the abdominal and hip muscles, boosts the immune system, remove fatigue and helps rejuvenation.
For stroke, Hemiplegia, M.S Parkinson's disease, Rh. Arthritis, M.E. old injuries, Ch. Arthritis, Long term Neurological conditions, Old age health problems and other long term illness. (HOME VISITS AVAILABLE)
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Natural therapy is a multi-disciplinary treatment system that uses natural resources to help the human body heal itself. It emphasises on prevention of diesease, cleanses the body toxins and enchance the body vitality using only natural methods. Some of the chronic conditions like Arthritis, Respiratory problems, Stress related problems, Sleeping disorders, High blood pressure, Gout, Diabetes, Frozen shoulder, Anxiety, Nervous disorders and Skin problems respond well with natural therapy.
YOGA THERAPY (Theraputic Exercices)
Yoga helps to restore the health of body and mind. This therapy mostly comprises of postural exercises, art of breathing, relaxation techniques, meditation, concentration exercises and yogic diet. Yoga is one of the best ways to relieve stress and tension and is effective in managing chronic diseases.